Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Golf Related News

Our Featured Golf Article

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Golf Tips To Improve Your Game

by Lee MacRae

Read along as we offer up some great tips to improve your game of golf.

Stay flat. Your driving wood should stay along the ground for a least the first 20 to 25 percent of your swing. If your club is lifting up, you will pop the ball up and not get that long boring drive that you see the pros hit regularly.(when the ball takes off like a missile and slowly climbs to a beautiful height and tracks down the fairway).

When addressing the ball with your driver, you must be loose and relaxed. Do not tighten up over the golf ball. It is important to waggle the club back and forth a few times in order to create some flow to start the golf swing. This action will promote proper rhythm and tempo.

Often the difference between a strong, powerful swing and a misguided hack is the tendency to hit, rather than stroke, the ball. The difference can be seen when examining a short putt, when it is easy to stroke the ball. Hitting is not an option for a short putt, which makes it the easiest shot in golf. No desire to hit the ball allows a stroking, swinging motion. Perfect this technique for short-distance shots and you will find increasing accuracy and distance with your long shots as well.

Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.

About the author

Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great indoor practice putting green or a great golf iron today!

Some Golf Ideas

golf fitness

How does that help with golf equipment you ask? Very simply, the players are promoting more equipment to make the game easier for seniors. This forces the manufacturers to step up their game and make some high quality gear they can use to score low that works just as well if not better with their aging bodies. Because of this the demand for this type of equipment is huge.
For more information go to golf.

golf putters

You should also be aware of some of the aspects regarding golfing products. For instance, golf balls are an important part of your game. They can be matched to complement golfing handicaps, as well as offer a wide range of compression ratings. Higher compression ratings mean that the ball will go farther, but you will have to possess a strong swing.
To learn more go to golf clubs.

beginners golf training aids

You may also be wondering what exactly constitutes a senior golfer. In the outside world a becoming a senior starts usually when you're 65. Not in golf, they jumped the gun and started classifying seniors starting at 50 to play on the senior tours. Some players may not want to be considered a senior that early. But it can only help you as the equipment will become easier to use. Heck some don't even wait until 50 if the senior golf equipment will help their game sooner.
For more information go to golf short game.

correct golf grip

Children. Today, children as young as 4 are being taught how to play golf in Saturday and Sunday classes, by young aspiring professionals. It is now very common to see young men playing off single figure handicaps, and regularly competing for the major honours available throughout the season. Helping to suggest that the younger generation are keeping fit and enjoying the benefits of an out door activity.
For more information go to golf.



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